Sunday, August 23, 2020

Cmo discapacitados pueden evitar examen de ciudadana

Cmo discapacitados pueden evitar examen de ciudadana Los residentes permanentes que desean naturalizarse para sacar asã ­ la ciudadanã ­a pero queâ sufren de una discapacidad fã ­sica o mental pueden solicitar una waiver para no tener que rendir el examen de inglã ©s y conocimientos. Esta waiver, de ser concedida, serã ­a una excepciã ³n a la prctica general que establece que para convertirse en estadounidenses los residentes permanentes deben aprobar un examen sencillo en el que demuestren que pueden entender, hablar, escribir y scoff el idioma inglã ©s y tambiã ©n que tienen conocimientos bsicos sobre la historia y principios cã ­vicos de los Estados Unidos. En este artã ­culo se explica cã ³mo tramitar esa excepciã ³n y cules child los casos en los que es posible. Adems, se brindan consejos de interã ©s para los residentes permanentes que estn pensando en sacarse la ciudadanã ­a. Tramitaciã ³n de la solicitud de la waiver para el examen de ciudadanã ­a Entre la documentaciã ³n que acompaã ±a a la planilla N-400 debe incluirse la forma N-648. Esta sã ³lo puede ser cumplimentada por un mã ©dico o por un osteã ³pata (M.D., M.O.) o por un psicã ³logo clã ­nico con las debidas licencias o un psiquiatra y que tenga conocimiento de primera mano sobre la incapacidad. En otras palabras, puede ser un profesional de la medicina o psicologã ­a especialista en la discapacidad o el mã ©dico o psicã ³logo que le trata como paciente, siempre y cuando tenga experiencia suficiente sobre la discapacidad. El formulario N-648 debe rellenarse empleando un lenguaje sencillo y muy claro, no demasiado tã ©cnico y se debe identificar claramente la incapacidad. Se deben aã ±adir ejemplos especã ­ficos de cã ³mo la discapacidad afecta la capacidad del solicitante de aprender para rendir el examen de ciudadanã ­a, siendo esto extremadamente importante. Por à ºltimo, se debe prestar particular atenciã ³n a completar la pregunta nã ºmero 3â de la planilla. Requisitos para que pueda solicitarse la waiver Deben cumplirse los siguientes requisitos: Se supone que la incapacidad va a durar por al menos 12 meses ms.La incapacidad debe ser la causa de que el solicitante ocean incapaz de aprender inglã ©s y/o de estudiar el test sobre cultura cã ­vica e historia de los Estados Unidos. Este punto es fundamentalã ­simo. No basta con tener la discapacidad, sino que à ©sta debe afectar negativamente a la capacidad de aprender. Y por à ºltimo es necesario que la discapacidad no esâ el resultado de haber consumido ningã ºn tipo de droga ilegal. Ejemplos de discapacidades para los que se puede solicitar la waiver. Siempre y cuando estas condiciones afecten a la capacidad de aprender porque inhabilitan la posibilidad de concentraciã ³n o memoria, el USCIS podrã ­a conceder esta waiver.  Despuà ©s de examinar caso por caso, a personas que sufran entre otras de las siguientes enfermedades: depresiã ³n severa, estrã ©s postraumtico (PTSD, por sus siglas en inglã ©s), demencia, esclerosis mã ºltiple en grado avanzado, esquizofrenia o desorden bipolar. Tambiã ©n pueden incluirse un conjunto de enfermedades que provoquen que una persona estã © agotada, en cama y no se pueda concentrar, como por ejemplo algunos enfermos de cncer que estn recibiendo quimioterapia, la arterioscleoris cerebral o casos severos de diabetes o enfermedades del corazã ³n. Tambiã ©n pueden incluirse los casos de autismo, sã ­ndrome de Down o algunas instancias de discapacidades del aprendizaje. Es importante entender que esas y otras incapacidades pueden o no ser causa para la waiver, depende del su grado de severidad. El simplemente padecerlas no califica automticamente para que se conceda la peticiã ³n. Por otra parte, laâ ceguera o la sordera no child, por sã ­ solas, suficientes para que se conceda esta waiver de rendir el examen de ciudadanã ­a. Sã ³lo se aprobar si la discapacidad fã ­sicaâ es tal o va acompaã ±ada por otras enfermedades que impidan el proceso de aprendizaje. En general, si una persona es ciega el USCIS no le pedir que rinda el examen de inglã ©s escrito, pero le examinar oralmente. Tambiã ©n se espera que aprenda las preguntas del examen de historia y cã ­vico. Si una persona es sorda, el USCIS puede pedir que utilice audã ­fonos, y si no puede o no child suficientes para que pueda escuchar o sneer, se puede pedir que se haga el examen y se ocean entrevistado con la ayuda de un intã ©rprete de lenguaje de sordos o incluso que se rinda el examen totalmente por escrito. Consideraciones a tener en cuenta y consejos sobre examen de naturalizaciã ³n El ser analfabeto en el idioma nativo, en este caso en espaã ±ol o uno de los idiomas indã ­genas no es razã ³n suficiente para permitir noâ rendir los exmenes. Si se tiene una discapacidad que no impide rendir el test de naturalizaciã ³n pero que requiere ciertos acomodos, como es la necesidad de un intã ©rprete para sordos, se necesita solicitarlo al llenarâ el N-400. Adems, en algunos casos,â en los que necesariamente feed que presentarse al examen, es posible rendir el examen en espaã ±ol. Finalmente, tener en cuenta queâ en casos de necesidad econã ³mica la ley establece unas situaciones en las que seâ calificaâ para no pagar tarifa por naturalizaciã ³n. Es decir, es posible iniciar y finalizar task el proceso sin tener que pagar las cuotas an Inmigraciã ³n. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Marketing A New Baby Food In Sweden For Nestle

The organization that is intending to present another infant food item in Sweden as of now has a nearness and it is among a gathering of organizations that are under Nestle Nordic where other Nestle organizations that are working in Denmark, Finland, and Norway are under and these four organizations work in show and speak to Nestle’s tasks in Northern Europe.This implies Nestle isn't new for Sweden where it is selling various items among which there are a couple of infant food items, for example, Bona and Piltti that have a wide scope of acknowledgment among those that are utilizing bosom milk substitutes. [1] The infant food business had been and still is rewarding regardless of whether it is an exceptionally touchy region of business that has a great deal of debates around it basically on the grounds that there are a major number of associations that are against bosom milk substitutes and had been featuring the issues that are identified with it.[2] Because of that the organ ization had consistently been on edge so as to work together in this specific area and it had made a concession with buyers and the concerned citizenry, by putting an announcement out on the very beginning pronouncing that there is nothing preferred for a kid over the mother’s milk and each mother had been urged to utilize bosom milk at any rate for the initial four to half year, considerably more if possible.The just time the organization suggests the utilization of its mom milk substitutes right off the bat is at whatever point moms are not in a situation to give bosom milk to their youngsters, which could be a result of an untimely birth of a kid or when the mother is either wiped out or perished. Since it isn't constantly conceivable to discover wet medical attendants the bosom milk substitutes approach what the bosom milk will give the infant kids. [3]There are a couple of issues encompassing bosom taking care of where if some way or another moms begin utilizing the boso m milk substitute right off the bat in a child’s life the likelihood that their own normal milk delivering procedure could be disturbed and they will have no way out other than to rely upon the bosom milk substitutes that are logically demonstrated to be on a par with a bosom milk, though a few deficiencies where the bosom milk is demonstrated to have a characteristic resistant structure component that will empower kids to battle ailment better.At a similar time without the experimentally handled and made infant nourishments, for example, what Nestle is selling in Sweden, it is hard to concoct an infant food formula that could be set up at home that will have all the necessary sustenance, and the main substitute that could approach the mother’s bosom milk, which is cow milk isn't edible by a little child’s digestion process making issues, for example, sickliness notwithstanding driving the child’s framework to assimilate a lot of calcium and fat that it i sn't prepared to do so.[4] Because of every one of these contentions associations, for example, the World Health Organization (WHO) needed to mediate and think of a code that each organization that is assembling and selling infant food items should cling to and it has the help of all administration bodies. The specific code isn't new to Nestle that had been applying it for every one of these years, however when the time has come to think of another infant food item and promoting it adequately, there are troublesome techniques to follow, one of them being the code must be observed.The fundamental focal point of the WHO Code is in forestalling such organizations that are advertising infant food items to have an immediate access to moms and to direct the cooperation they could have with the individuals who are giving them basic administrations, for example, doctors, medical caretakers, and other human services staff, in light of the fact that the individuals who are against organizatio ns that are concocting bosom milk substitute items accept that moms should be shielded from their showcasing ploy however much as could reasonably be expected, in any event for the initial a half year of a child’s life.[5] Such methodology is troublesome since most moms living in social orders, for example, Sweden will be lashed for time on the grounds that the greater part of them could be working outside of the home and nature itself is to such an extent that if the bosom isn't utilized persistently after birth it will quit creating milk. Furthermore, in the middle of the mother milk advocates accept that if moms are not drawn closer with different showcasing strategies this issue could be deflected and moms will begin to take care of bosom milk directly after birth as long as a half year and more if possible.Without contesting this supposition, it isn't hard to imagine the obstacle an advertising group that is attempting to advance another item that the organization had go tten a grant to produce and put into the market needs to survive. Settle had been concentrating of late on what is called useful or nutraceuticals infant food that has a double motivation behind filling in as a healthful bosom milk substitutes while simultaneously it has therapeutic preferred position that the youngsters utilizing the item will be profited from.[6] The organization would not like to think of another name for an item and what it did was it took one of its well known items Piltti and made an alternate form that is changed over into a practical child food and basically named it Functional Piltti. In doing so it included three fixings, â€Å"selenium† which is a substance that enables the body to dispose of destructive oxidants since it is a demonstrated cancer prevention agent that has the ability to transform unsafe radicals that show up in the body into harmless water and oxygen.The second fixing it included was â€Å"nucleotides† whose primary capacity is helping the development of good microscopic organisms in the gut with the goal that the gut can battle terrible microbes and this fixing is accessible in bosom milk empowering youngsters to fabricate a characteristic safe framework. What's more, when youngsters are utilizing bosom milk substitute equation, except if this substance is added they could be powerless against numerous sort of maladies, one reason bosom milk advocates had been featuring, in spite of the fact that it could be explained by basically bringing this substance into child nourishments, which settle did.The third fixing was â€Å"beta-carotene† whose fundamental capacity is to make an invigorated invulnerable framework in the body since it is a cancer prevention agent and it likewise helps in growing great vision at an early stage, just as it adds to the great improvement of the skin. [7] These are fixings that should cause a commotion of moms and their pediatricians who are for the most part liable fo r suggesting what sort of infant food recipe is useful for the infant children.From the start the group realized that it has a triumphant item on its hand and this item is relied upon to tear up the customary Piltti over the long haul, which is somewhat less expensive, however it is additionally attempted to beat a significant number of the contending items that have not yet presented utilitarian infant food items in their infant food product offering, regardless of whether their making up for lost time rapidly is imminent.However, until that happens the group knew that there would be a window of time the organization could do a snappy beneficial business. They have everything available to them aside from that they knew about the WHO Code, which specifies decides that make all the zones where a powerful advancement could have occurred off limit.They are not permitted to have an immediate contact with pregnant ladies or moms of little kids, despite the fact that in today’s sho wcasing efforts that probably won't be basic, yet here and there it is conceivable to think of occasions where a nearby association between the advertising group and the individuals who might be firsthand clients of their item would have been conceivable. Since not just they can instruct the moms about their items yet additionally they can give out examples and endowments that will assemble great relationship, which the code forbids nonetheless.[8] It isn't just that they can't publicize utilizing the known strategies where they can put their promotions on boards, convey leaflets, or give out examples. Everything that could possibly be helped out is through endorsed organizations by the WHO Code and if any of the permitted establishments are occupied with giving out free examples that are permitted to get free examples from the makers they need to ensure that there will be sufficient gracefully for the included moms for whatever length of time that they need it.This is so in light o f the fact that this strategy had been featured where advertisers and merchants of child food items would for the most part begin giving out free examples and if the moms become reliant on it at the previous phase of their bosom taking care of days and keep away from bosom taking care of it will influence their capacity to create milk prompting their constrained reliance on the substitute, which would mean they will be compelled to purchase the bosom milk substitute items. The individuals who probably won't manage the cost of it could hurt the typical development of a youngster, which is a legitimate reason to be concerned about.[9] Therefore, there are constrained channels the advertising group could be advancing through and detecting those channels is significant. Likewise, it is significant the promoting group just as the organization should realize that their new item should focus on those that are four months old and higher in typical conditions and the main special case is the point at which the moms are not in a situation to do bosom taking care of for different reasons, there are no wet attendants, and now and again access to bosom milk banks probably won't be accessible since there are some of them in some communities.This would mean their showcasing association is seriously constrained to connecting with human services staff just and it is through them their eventual clients will be instructed to utilize their item as publicizing to the overall population isn't permitted. Advertisers don't have consent to show their presence at the retail location, put banners, or some other methods for publicizing to advance their products.They can't request moms legitimately or in a roundabout way or can't give them blessing nor free examples. Regardless of whether the medicinal services framework has the attentiveness of suggesting the

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Best Fit College Size For You Small vs. Medium vs. Large Colleges

The Size of Your College Can Have a Big Impact On Your Experience When searching for best-fit colleges, size is often one of the first things that students consider. Many college bound students already have an idea of what they’re looking for in a school before they start researching specific institutions – maybe it’s a large student body with endless possibilities or a small campus with an intimate atmosphere. Going with your gut is a good place to start, but there are many pros, and cons, to certain college sizes that students might overlook when building their balanced college list. Why does campus size matter? When choosing best-fit colleges, the size of the campus can do a lot to directly impact everything from the school’s academic offerings to the campus’ social climate. A college with 2,000 undergraduates is not going to offer hundreds of majors, but you might get more advisory support once you get on campus. On the flip side, a larger university can offer almost endless academic opportunities, but you’ll need to be more independent as a higher volume of students can leave faculty and staff with little time to get to know every student extremely well. Because admissions officers are working to build a well-rounded class of freshmen every application season, how students’ goals and ambitions fit onto that campus is taken very seriously. If a student is looking for a highly specific major and a campus experience with unlimited clubs, a smaller campus with more limited academic offerings and a freshman class size of about 600 isn’t going to meet that student’s goals. That’s why it’s important to consider social fit, along with academic and financial fit when selecting colleges to which to apply. What size college is right for you? First, picture yourself at your â€Å"dream† college. Is it a sprawling campus with thousands of students milling about every day? Or is it a more cozy atmosphere, with a quieter campus and familiar face everywhere? Or is it somewhere in between? How you picture the campus around you can tell you a lot about what you’re looking for in terms of size. Next, think about what you want to study. Are you interested in a liberal arts education? Or do you have a more specific major in mind, like business, engineering, foreign language, etc.? Do you want to study a specific major, but also want the freedom to pursue other academic interests? Your academic goals can also play a part in size – larger universities tend to have more academic offerings, while smaller colleges might be limited in what majors and courses you can take. This chart below, comparing small, medium, and large college campuses sizes can help you get a better idea of what you’re looking for in the size of your best-fit colleges. Small College Medium College Large College Student Body Size 5,000 Undergrads 5-15,000 Undergrads 15,000 Undergrads Academic Offerings Smaller colleges might have limited academic offerings, with more focus on liberal arts or a specialty, like STEM More academic options than at a smaller college, but not as many as at a large university. Can sometimes have a strong liberal arts focus Wide range of academic majors and research opportunities Class Size There might be some large classes, but on the whole class sizes tend to be smaller A mix of large and small classes, with smaller classes as students get into higher-level, major-specific courses More large, auditorium-style classes in general education classes, with small classes in higher-level, major-specific courses Activities With fewer students there might be fewer clubs and activities, but a smaller student body can give students more influence to start their own clubs or activities. Medium-size colleges tend to have a wide range of clubs and activities that meet students’ interests. There’s room to grow, but also plenty of established options to choose from. Large colleges tend to have hundreds of clubs and activities to meet any student’s interests. Plenty to choose from but too many options can be overwhelming for some. Social Climate Students on smaller campuses can usually get to know each other better and a smaller student body can help you stand out. Students can feel like a big fish in a small pond. Good option for students who want a more intimate college experience with a smaller group of students. A medium-size student body can be small enough to create an intimate experience, but also big enough to keep meeting new people. This is a good option for students who want the experience of a smaller campus but more opportunities to branch out like in a larger university. Large student bodies are sometimes not as intimate. Students can feel like a little fish in a big pond. But on a large campus you’re always meeting someone new. Good option for students who want an experience that’s different every day. Students on large campuses who want an more intimate experience tend to find it within their major, or a club, group, or activity they’re passionate about. While campus size isn’t the most important factor to consider when building your balanced college list, it is one of many details that can influence your decision about whether or not to apply to certain colleges. When building your balanced college list, be sure to look up the student body size and consider how that fits into your needs, goals, and what you want out of your college experience. Want some more advice on building your college list? counselor Meg offers some advice in this free webinar!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Holocaust Of Schindler And Francisca Nee Luser

Oskar Schindler saved thousands of Jewish people from the horrible tragedy that was the Holocaust. Some would say, at one point in Schindler s life, he was an aryan man with no financial problems whatsoever. Schindler was truly a brave man that sacrificed his life for many others. Schindler simply saved others out of the goodness from his heart. â€Å"Oskar Schindler (1908-1974) was born on April 28, 1908, in Svitavy (Zwittau), Moravia, at that time a province of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy† (Holocaust Encyclopedia). â€Å"Schindler grew up with all the privileges money could buy. He was born Catholic†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Jewish Virtual Library). â€Å"Oscar’s parents Johann Schindler and Francisca nee Luser were both Germans from Silesia, who had settled in Svitavy,†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"He married Emilie Schindler at nineteen, but was never without a mistress or two. Hard drinking and feckless, he had the soul of a gambler, winning big and losing bigger . He had presided over the demise of his family business and become a salesman when opportunity came knocking in the guise of the war† (Jewish Virtual Library). Oskar Schindler had an education, money, a wife, and many different jobs. Some would say he had a good life. Schindler was a businessman that was set on making a great deal of money. He had many connections and an abundance of friends in the illicit business. â€Å"Never one to miss a chance to make money, he marched into Poland on the heels of the SS. He dived headfirst into the black-market and the underworld and soon made friends with the local Gestapo bigwigs, softening them up with women, money and illicit booze. His newfound connections helped him acquire a factory which he ran with the cheapest labor around: Jewish† (Jewish Virtual Library). â€Å"At first he seemed like every other usurping German industrialist, driven by profit and unmoved by the means of his profiteering. But somewhere along the line, something changed.† â€Å"In February 1939, five months after the German annexation of the Sudetenland, he joined the Nazi Party† (Holocaust Encyclopedia). â€Å"In December 1939, as occupied Poland was being torn apart by the savagery of the Holocaust, Schindler took his first faltering steps from

Information Technology In The Business Environment

Question: Write an essay on information technology in the business environment. Answer: Introduction: Information technology or IT refers to the application of systems for storage, retrieval and transmission and manipulation of data. It is considered as a division of information and communication technology. Technology encompasses an array of tools and elements that organizations may implement in their ranks to guide the unit through start-ups and different growth stages. IT essentially covers a set of processes, tools, the likes of programming, coding, data conversion, and analysis and systems control (Adler-Milstein et al. 2013). In broader terms, IT includes the facets of multimedia, telecommunications, and automation procedures. The various aspects of organizations, the likes of operations, communications and other essentials have experienced a revolution in a range of industry and businesses. The role of information technology has its pervading effect across various domains and verticals of the business environment. The following account details over how IT may be applicable in the healthcare industry and endow the business with the advantageous position which beings efficacy and effectiveness in the overall business operations. Detailed analysis: Need of IT in business: Information Technology is the buzzword in any business domain of varying degrees, and healthcare industry is no exception to this conjecture. The merger or alignment of technology with that of medical trade is responsible for the improvement of medical practices and saving lives across the world. Information technology enables the healthcare industry to function thereby playing a central role in sustaining health. The areas like biotechnology, development of medical devices and others have made more significant contributions to improvement of the health of users all around the world (Stevens and Rancourt 2014). The range of Information Technology applications in the form of adhesive bandages and ankle equipment to more complex machinery and tools, mainly artificial organs, MRI machines and prosthetic limbs have made an immense impact in the industry. Furthermore, the dependence of medical technology in the sphere cannot be overstated. The factual reality is due to the enormous develo pment of such brilliant innovations, the healthcare practitioners and users are empowered with ways for improving the practice regarding surgical procedures, better diagnosis and improved patient care. Baring that, information technology has caused improvement in telecommunication which connects patients with doctors being based miles apart. The physicians now have access to IT more than earlier period which has augmented overall healthcare improvement across the globe (Ancker et al. 2013). Importance of IT for business survival: IT has crucial importance across various domains and business industries. The following segment entails over the importance of IT in healthcare industry along with a utility that it exerts in the same environment. As a matter of fact, improvements in information technology have permitted huge reforms to have taken place in healthcare. Nowadays most medical offices may send and receive digital medical information from the doctors and transmit the same to patients and customers (Skillman et al. 2015). The company is structured by IT-enabled medical practices with the main unit located in Sydney. Here, it is noteworthy that security improvements with information technology have made it so that the medical information is secure irrespective of what is being transmitted. It is nowadays even possible to send the prescriptions in a digital mode to regional medical unite and offices. In keeping with the changing amount of paperwork requirement at medical organizations, information technology has also helped in updating of technology using which the doctor may perform the treatment. As far as Sonic Healthcare is concerned, the firm operates through a dedicated central laboratory which provides comprehensive clinical trials which further supports biotechnological industries. The instruments and methods validate that the firm is in conformity to industry requirements and electronic systems, and others maintain compliance with GCP, TGA and other medical parameters (Sheikh et al. 2015). Application of IT to business: Information Technology has undergone sea-change concerning healthcare industry. Improvement of quality of life assumes great importance in this regard. Medical technologies, the likes of, monitoring systems, advanced surgeries, and scanning equipment are allowing consumers rather patients to have lesser recovery time post operations and surgeries. Information and exchange of information are imperative concerning the delivery of care on various levels of healthcare delivery systems. With the emergence of new model healthcare equipment and apparatus, it is extremely important that organizations implement IT standards in its ranks. Data interchange formats are being utilized in this regard (Foshay and Kuziemsky 2014). This refers to standard formats for the purpose of electronically encoding of data elements. On the other hand, knowledge representation refers to standard methods that electronically represent medical literature. IT aids in the installation of modern facilities in healthc are units, the likes of, scanning machines, X-ray apparatus, EHRs and CPOE systems. The HER systems have been implemented by Sonic Healthcare although various companies have yet to make progress in this area. The ECG machines, Blood Pressure monitors, spirometry and nebulizers, examination lamps, vaccine fridge, vacuum autoclaves, to name a few directly comes under the purview of information technology. Furthermore, SAP or System Application Product is an indispensable tool which helps in collection and management of data and plethora of information in various medical units which aids in supply chain management of the industry. Furthermore, IT servers are being used for installation of the abovementioned equipment and tools. Clinical information systems provide a mechanism for sharing data collected from various sources, for instance, EHRs in care settings that may include personal health record systems maintained by patients or their representatives (Jones et al. 2015). Data become available to clinical information systems via direct entry at the point of care, off-line entry through abstraction from other media, such as handwritten notes, and data collected by other systems, such as laboratory systems or monitoring devices. The data can take many forms, including free text, coded data, speech, document imaging, clinical imaging x-rays, and video. The four core components of clinical information systems are described in EHRs, CPOE systems, digital sources of medical evidence and decision-support tools. These descriptions are followed by a discussion of human/ information systems interface design and software dependability issues (Page 2013). Usage of IT in business: Information technology has immense implication concerning business and health care industry is no exception. It is imperative to learn the utility of IT concerning internal and external environment of the business. The internal framework encompasses the likes of staff, employees, and other relevant resources. The healthcare facilities and management have come up with innovative practices for executing the operations in the light of IT application. These organizations have initiated the usage of tablets for monitoring of patients data, inventory updates, communications as well as various notifications for performing duties and responsibilities (Lin et al. 2012). The staff data is being maintained by the means of data base management systems or DBMS in the sector. Here, it is noteworthy to mention that tablets are used for patient checkups in both outpatient and inpatient wards which authorize prescriptions, alongside transmission of records and patient data in the multimedia format an d usage of instant live representation of conferencing along with interaction features for enhancement of collaboration. This particular model is being adopted across the domain by a range of healthcare providers along Australia, in particular, Sonic Healthcare. The competent inventory management which caters to supplier and consumers mainly patients in this regard (Leventhal et al. 2015). Advantages and benefits of IT: Technology is a broad concept which has made breakthroughs that agree with a better solution. While the most obvious advantage of technology in businesses across the globe, which aims for an increase of productivity the same translates in a reduction of cost of operations and other benefits that help in sharing and storage of information and negation of erroneous practices by an increase in revenue, by and large (Furukawa et al. 2014). In the case of healthcare domain, technology allows data, be it in written form and televised may be transmitted to the patients' database. The technology eliminates the need for maintenance of bulk of paper work and replaces with virtual data warehouses which may be accessed in no time. The likes of E-learning and other forms of online training have facilitated the healthcare organization, like Sonic Healthcare to cut down the cost of recruitments and induces flexibility in the ranks of the company. In the present circumstances, information technology has aided information sharing to develop at an efficient rate. This not only saves time but also offers the capability of decision-making at a brisk rate (Marcotte et al. 2012). Risks and threats: Although IT continuously operates in making things more secure, the same suffers from the lack of privacy in operations. Here, confidentiality may be compromised if the company fails to stay vigilant of the proceedings. The increase of mobile devices, virtualization software, social media and consumerization of IT are considered to be top risks and threats that healthcare industry is vulnerable to. As far as security is concerned, the healthcare industry, in this case, patients and valuable data and information may pose to be probable threats due to internal technical snags, which in turn may be accessible to external outfits thereby breaching the security. This, in turn, causes risks in confidentiality and privacy, by and large. Moreover, IT enabled systems may cause threats in the exposure of hospital and patients information which comes under the threat of manipulation and exploitation (Lee et al. 2013). Maintenance and monitoring of IT: The regularity of monitoring is dependent on the environment of the company and the milieu in which it is operating. The organizations that experience swift change from internal or external affairs may monitor the execution of the arrangement on a regular basis. Monitoring and evaluation of business practice in IT parlance, which is as important to that of identification of strategic goals and organizational objectives. Healthcare industries, in particular, should be well abreast and conversant of IT protocols in place which the business subscribes to. 24/7 monitoring of exorbitant and critical medical equipment by competent practitioners should be executed in keeping with back-up monitoring of data. IT security on wireless networks must be ensured by Sonic Healthcare so that the medical equipment are inaccessible to the external environment (Murdoch and Detsky 2013). Conclusion: The overall analysis depicts various nuances of information technology and its application in healthcare business environment. The discourse above portrays over how IT may be applied in business perspectives. IT in modernity is indispensable to all business environments. With the emergence of state-of-the-art healthcare facilities, and combined with information technology, it becomes even more essential for a robust security arrangement to be in place for maintenance and monitoring of data and information. The company selected in this regard is Sonic Healthcare, which boasts of effective business operations in Australia. Hence, it may be deduced that information technology is indispensable and must be supervised diligently for usage of data in best possible manner. References: Adler-Milstein, J., Bates, D.W. and Jha, A.K., 2013. Operational health information exchanges show substantial growth, but long-term funding remains a concern. Health Affairs, 32(8), pp.1486-1492. Ancker, J.S., Silver, M., Miller, M.C. and Kaushal, R., 2013. Consumer experience with and attitudes toward health information technology: a nationwide survey. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 20(1), pp.152-156. Foshay, N. and Kuziemsky, C., 2014. Towards an implementation framework for business intelligence in healthcare. International Journal of Information Management, 34(1), pp.20-27. Furukawa, M.F., King, J., Patel, V., Hsiao, C.J., Adler-Milstein, J. and Jha, A.K., 2014. Despite substantial progress in EHR adoption, health information exchange and patient engagement remain low in office settings. Health Affairs, pp.10-1377. Jones, C.D., Vu, M.B., ODonnell, C.M., Anderson, M.E., Patel, S., Wald, H.L., Coleman, E.A. and DeWalt, D.A., 2015. A failure to communicate: a qualitative exploration of care coordination between hospitalists and primary care providers around patient hospitalizations. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(4), pp.417-424. Lee, J., McCullough, J.S. and Town, R.J., 2013. The impact of health information technology on hospital productivity. The RAND Journal of Economics, 44(3), pp.545-568. Leventhal, J.C., Cummins, J.A., Schwartz, P.H., Martin, D.K. and Tierney, W.M., 2015. Designing a system for patients controlling providers access to their electronic health records: organizational and technical challenges. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(1), pp.17-24. Lin, C., Lin, I.C. and Roan, J., 2012. Barriers to physicians adoption of healthcare information technology: an empirical Study on multiple hospitals. Journal of medical systems, 36(3), pp.1965-1977. Marcotte, L., Seidman, J., Trudel, K., Berwick, D.M., Blumenthal, D., Mostashari, F. and Jain, S.H., 2012. Achieving meaningful use of health information technology: a guide for physicians to the EHR incentive programs. Archives of internal medicine, 172(9), pp.731-736. Murdoch, T.B. and Detsky, A.S., 2013. The inevitable application of big data to health care. Jama, 309(13), pp.1351-1352. Page, T., 2013. Smartphone Technology, Consumer Attachment and Mass Customisation. International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC), 4(2), pp.38-57. Sheikh, A., Sood, H.S. and Bates, D.W., 2015. Leveraging health information technology to achieve the triple aim of healthcare reform. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 22(4), pp.849-856. Skillman, S.M., Andrilla, C.H.A., Patterson, D.G., Fenton, S.H. and Ostergard, S.J., 2015. Health information technology workforce needs of rural primary care practices. The Journal of Rural Health, 31(1), pp.58-66. Stevens, L. and Rancourt, J., 2014. Health information technology can make disasters seem like business as usual. Annals of emergency medicine, 63(4), pp.425-427.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

United States Expansionism 1790s- 1860s Essays - Cherokee Nation

United States Expansionism: 1790s- 1860s United States Expansionism: 1790s- 1860s The major American aspiration during the 1790s through the 1860s was westward expansion. Americans looked to the western lands as an opportunity for large amounts of free land, for growth of industry, and manifest destiny. This hunger for more wealth and property, led Americans conquer lands that were rightfully someone else's. Manifest destiny and westward expansion brought many problematic issues to the Unites States verses the Indians that took the Americans to the Civil War. The first issue that arose for the Americans, was where to put the existing Indians while they conquered their land. The United States felt that the Indians needed to be secluded from all other races so that they would become civilized. This Indian Territory was where eastern Indian tribes such as the Kickapoos, Delawares, and Shawnees lived. As the population of Americans increased in the western sector of the United States, they also invaded that land specially allotted for the Indians. Instead of moving the Americans out of the Indian Territory, the government minimized the size of Indian Territory by half. Now the Northern half was open for white settlement. As for the western Indians, such as the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapahos, American settlers went around them to settle the California and Oregon. The Americans decided to stay away from further conflict with the native Americans because they knew they were unable to move them away from their land. Americans continued their western movement and put forth their domination over the Indians. The first step the United States took in claiming this new land for them was by establishing a land system. The Land Ordinance of 1785 established an orderly way to divide up and sell the new lands of the Western United States. Shortly after, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 set up a system of government for the land north of the Ohio River. Slavery was outlawed in the five states that made up the Northwest Territory, and no self-government was to be set up until at least five thousand free white men were in the territory. The next step the Americans took had to do with forcing the Indians off their land. They managed to trick the Indians by making treaties with them. The Indians were practically forced to agree with the treaties. Most Americans didn't even keep their promises. For example, in the Treaty of Fort Stanwiz of 1784 and the Treaty of Fort McIntosh of 1785, the Iroquois and other Ohio Indians were forced to give a portion of their land to the United States. The U. S. then proceeded to divide up this land, but settlers could not buy any of it until 1788. Many Americans became restless and decided to go in and settle these lands illegally, not honoring their treaty with the Indians. These treaties were the only way the United States was going to be allowed to legally take over the Indian lands with the agreement of the Indians. This new recognition and use of treaties fell under the Indian Intercourse Act of 1790. This was a form of written documentation that allowed the ceding of land to be possible through the treaties. Americans, however, did not honor their agreement with the Indians, and in the future, some tribes used this against the government in trying to regain the land that was taken from them illegally. These treaties also led to Indian resistance and increasing difficulties with the native peoples. As Thomas Jefferson took over the Presidency in 1801, he was determined to civilize the Indians. He planned to take over the land in a peaceful manner. In return, the Americans shared with the Indians their civilized way of living. Jefferson's goal was to educate the Indians and convert them to Christianity. He did this in hopes that the two cultures would be able to co-exist. However, his planned failed and continuous problems arose between the Americans and the Indians. The United States also managed to gain three million acres of Delaware and Potawatomi land in Indiana through the Treaty of Fort Wayne. Because these people had established an alliance with the Northwest Confederation tribes, Tecumseh, the leader, proclaimed this treaty invalid because one tribe could speak for the rest. This belief led to great resistance, by the Indians, to further expansion and disagreement with the U. S. government. In 1822, Tecumseh gathered Indian warriors to attack American soldiers, led by William henry Harrison. This attack was a failure for the Indian cause and both sides suffered casualties. However, the Indians managed to scare the United States. The British were

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Factorial (!) in Mathematics and Statistics

The Factorial (!) in Mathematics and Statistics In mathematics, symbols that have certain meanings in the English language can mean very specialized and different things. For example, consider the following expression: 3! No, we did not use the exclamation point to show that we’re excited about three, and we shouldn’t read the last sentence with emphasis. In mathematics, the expression 3! is read as three factorial and is really a shorthand way to denote the multiplication of several consecutive whole numbers. Since there are many places throughout mathematics and statistics where we need to multiply numbers together, the factorial is quite useful. Some of the main places where it shows up are combinatorics and probability calculus. Definition The definition of the factorial is that for any positive whole number n, the factorial: n! n x (n -1) x (n - 2) x . . . x 2 x 1 Examples for Small Values First we will look at a few examples of the factorial with small values of n: 1! 12! 2 x 1 23! 3 x 2 x 1 64! 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 245! 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 1206! 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 7207! 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 50408! 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 403209! 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 36288010! 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 3628800 As we can see the factorial gets very large very quickly. Something that may seem small, such as 20! actually has 19 digits. Factorials are easy to compute, but they can be somewhat tedious to calculate. Fortunately, many calculators have a factorial key (look for the ! symbol). This function of the calculator will automate the multiplications. A Special Case One other value of the factorial  and one for which the standard definition above does not hold is that of zero factorial. If we follow the formula, then we would not arrive at any value for 0!. There are no positive whole numbers less than 0. For several reasons, it is appropriate to define 0! 1. The factorial for this value shows up particularly in the formulas for combinations and permutations. More Advanced Calculations When dealing with calculations, it is important to think before we press the factorial key on our calculator. To calculate an expression such as 100!/98! there are a couple of different ways of going about this. One way is to use a calculator to find both 100! and 98!, then divide one by the other. Although this is a direct way to calculate, it has some difficulties associated with it. Some calculators cannot handle expressions as large as 100! 9.33262154 x 10157. (The expression 10157 is a scientific notation that means that we multiply by 1 followed by 157 zeros.) Not only is this number massive, but it is also only an estimate to the real value of 100! Another way to simplify an expression with factorials like the one seen here does not require a calculator at all. The way to approach this problem is to recognize that we can rewrite 100! not as 100 x 99 x 98 x 97 x . . . x 2 x 1, but instead as 100 x 99 x 98! The expression 100!/98! now becomes (100 x 99 x 98!)/98! 100 x 99 9900.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

As Ict

txt, haway_practice. txt This scenario should be used for the purposes of preparing candidates for the examination. This copy must not be taken into the examination. The information contained in the scenario will be included in the examination paper. Further details are in the Instructions of the Conduct of Examinations (ICE), available from the Edexcel website for this qualification. Edexcel will not accept any request for special consideration should candidates be given the incorrect scenario for the examination they are sitting. Turn over W41049A Â ©2013 Pearson Education Ltd. 6/ *W41049A* Scenario Havering Whitecaps Maddy Wright and Katy Parrish have supported Havering Whitecaps since their boyfriends played for the team. Their boyfriends’ careers and the teenage romances are now very much in the past but their support of the team remains as strong as ever. Until 15 years ago the Whitecaps were a struggling non-league team with little support. There were times, on wet and cold November afternoons, when Maddy and Katy were the only supporters. In 1999 a magical thing happened to the Whitecaps. At that time the team’s position, both in football terms and financially, was perilous to say the least. However, a financial backer appeared in the form of Harold Adenyi. Harold had studied at the local college and even played a few games for the Whitecaps. His progress as a footballer was hampered by a lack of ability. He gave up on a career as a footballer to concentrate on what he was good at, which was IT and mathematics. He made a large amount of money by creating an online accountancy website called lesstax. com. Harold was looking for things he could offset against a huge tax bill and a loss-making football club seemed to be a good start. He bought the Whitecaps from the previous owners for ? 1 and immediately started to spend money on it. Harold’s flair for business meant that the loss-making football club did not stay loss-making for long. Harold signed a talented former football league manager and with his advice, spent money on players who all turned out to be good investments. The way the manager had the team playing soon started to increase its fan base, so Harold built a new stadium. The team continued to be successful and the new stadium was soon filled at every match, putting the club on a healthy financial footing. Financial success and playing success went hand-in-hand and, in 2001, Havering Whitecaps was elected to the Football League. After a few seasons, when the Whitecaps struggled to establish themselves, there followed a eriod of gradual success including promotion to the 1st Division and two years later the Championship. Last season the Whitecaps won the Championship and are currently looking forward to their first season in the Premier League. Throughout this period of development, Maddy and Katy have been screaming encouraging words to their team (and the occasional discouraging one to the opposition) and they have hardly missed a match. It was inevitable that as the Whitecaps’ two most dedicated supporters they would become the chairman and secretary of the supporters’ club. One of their main tasks is to organise away trips for fans. This involves buying the tickets, booking the coaches and deciding what to charge for the ticket and transport packages. With 14,678 registered supporters, organising the away trips is not an easy task. With the possibility of over 400 coaches travelling to an away match, the number of transport firms the pair could use was limited. Since the Whitecaps were promoted to the Championship Maddy and Katy have used ‘Rubicon Transport’ whose rates are reasonable and who can supply enough coaches on a match day. 2 W41049A Rubicon charge a fixed sum of ? 350 per coach, plus a ? 1. 50 fuel surcharge for every 100 miles travelled. In addition, Rubicon’s regulations state that a driver cannot be in charge of the coach for more than 9 hours a day. Should the whole trip last more than 9 hours (including the match time) a second driver would be required. There is a charge of ? 75 for the second driver. Premier League ticket prices vary greatly and Maddy has been quoted a range of prices varying between ? 30 and ? 54 by the Premier League clubs. Maddy and Katy do not need to make an overall profit. Their main aim is to get as many fans as possible to away matches. Although they can afford to make a loss on individual trips, they cannot afford to make a loss overall. Therefore an accurate prediction of the number of people who will want to go to a particular match is vital. They are also aware that more people will want to go to some matches than others. To help find out how many people are likely to go to each match they ran an online survey. This was completed by 94% of their registered supporters. To make data analysis easier, Katy has classified the teams as shown in the table. EG Teams fighting for European glory MT Mid-table teams RD Teams likely to be involved in the relegation dogfight PR Newly promoted teams In addition to the classification of the team, she found that other things affect the number of people likely to go to away matches. Fewer people would go if the match was played on a weekday rather than a Saturday (or Sunday). The longer the travelling time, the fewer supporters were prepared to travel. Finally, the overall cost of the package would discourage some from attending certain matches. W41049A 3 Turn over Description of the model Maddy and Katy have to be as accurate as they can when setting the prices as they don’t need to make a profit but cannot afford to make a loss. Maddy and Katy need a model to help them decide on prices. Therefore, Maddy has persuaded her brother Kieran, who works in IT, to create a model. Kieran wanted to make the model reusable so that he could sell it to other supporters’ clubs. Unfortunately, before he could finish the model, the company Kieran worked for sent him to Dubai on a three-year contract. Maddy has asked you to complete the model and use it to suggest prices for the next season’s away matches. Kieran has left you these notes. Worksheet Description Teams This is the worksheet that will be used to set the package prices. I have listed the teams in the Premier League along with Katy’s classifications. For ease of viewing I have included information from other worksheets and have calculated the total costs, revenue and profit. There is a profit for each trip and a total profit for the season. The worksheet will also calculate the total number of supporters going to away matches. Cell B2 contains a drop-down box to choose the team you support. Fixtures This worksheet is a calculated page which lists the dates of the home and away fixtures. Lookups This worksheet contains a number of lookup tables. There are two blank areas, these will contain the fixture information provided by the Premier League. There are other tables to look up the day of the week, the likely support based on the teams’ classification, the number of registered supporters and the ticket costs for the various clubs. Distances, Times These worksheets contain the distances between the grounds and the average times it would take a coach to travel those journeys. I got these from a very helpful man at the RAC. Customer This worksheet is incomplete. Once completed it will predict the number of supporters who would travel to each away match. This is based on the number of registered supporters and then adjusted according to the home team classification, then package price and finally the travel time. I haven’t finished the analysis of the survey yet so I cannot put in formulae to take into account the travelling time and the overall cost. A friend of mine is doing the analysis for me and he will forward the results to you as soon as he has them. Transport In this worksheet I calculate how many coaches are needed, the cost per coach and the overall transport cost for the trip. Transport Rates In this worksheet I have entered the transport rates as quoted by Rubicon Transport. I hope you find it easy to understand my notes. Good luck completing it. Kieran Wright 4 W41049A Some cells in the model are password protected. Should you wish to experiment with the model, the password is edexcel. Be aware that if you change the contents of any protected cell the model may not work. Please note that the Football League and Premier League referred to in this scenario are fictitious. W41049A 5 As Ict txt, haway_practice. txt This scenario should be used for the purposes of preparing candidates for the examination. This copy must not be taken into the examination. The information contained in the scenario will be included in the examination paper. Further details are in the Instructions of the Conduct of Examinations (ICE), available from the Edexcel website for this qualification. Edexcel will not accept any request for special consideration should candidates be given the incorrect scenario for the examination they are sitting. Turn over W41049A Â ©2013 Pearson Education Ltd. 6/ *W41049A* Scenario Havering Whitecaps Maddy Wright and Katy Parrish have supported Havering Whitecaps since their boyfriends played for the team. Their boyfriends’ careers and the teenage romances are now very much in the past but their support of the team remains as strong as ever. Until 15 years ago the Whitecaps were a struggling non-league team with little support. There were times, on wet and cold November afternoons, when Maddy and Katy were the only supporters. In 1999 a magical thing happened to the Whitecaps. At that time the team’s position, both in football terms and financially, was perilous to say the least. However, a financial backer appeared in the form of Harold Adenyi. Harold had studied at the local college and even played a few games for the Whitecaps. His progress as a footballer was hampered by a lack of ability. He gave up on a career as a footballer to concentrate on what he was good at, which was IT and mathematics. He made a large amount of money by creating an online accountancy website called lesstax. com. Harold was looking for things he could offset against a huge tax bill and a loss-making football club seemed to be a good start. He bought the Whitecaps from the previous owners for ? 1 and immediately started to spend money on it. Harold’s flair for business meant that the loss-making football club did not stay loss-making for long. Harold signed a talented former football league manager and with his advice, spent money on players who all turned out to be good investments. The way the manager had the team playing soon started to increase its fan base, so Harold built a new stadium. The team continued to be successful and the new stadium was soon filled at every match, putting the club on a healthy financial footing. Financial success and playing success went hand-in-hand and, in 2001, Havering Whitecaps was elected to the Football League. After a few seasons, when the Whitecaps struggled to establish themselves, there followed a eriod of gradual success including promotion to the 1st Division and two years later the Championship. Last season the Whitecaps won the Championship and are currently looking forward to their first season in the Premier League. Throughout this period of development, Maddy and Katy have been screaming encouraging words to their team (and the occasional discouraging one to the opposition) and they have hardly missed a match. It was inevitable that as the Whitecaps’ two most dedicated supporters they would become the chairman and secretary of the supporters’ club. One of their main tasks is to organise away trips for fans. This involves buying the tickets, booking the coaches and deciding what to charge for the ticket and transport packages. With 14,678 registered supporters, organising the away trips is not an easy task. With the possibility of over 400 coaches travelling to an away match, the number of transport firms the pair could use was limited. Since the Whitecaps were promoted to the Championship Maddy and Katy have used ‘Rubicon Transport’ whose rates are reasonable and who can supply enough coaches on a match day. 2 W41049A Rubicon charge a fixed sum of ? 350 per coach, plus a ? 1. 50 fuel surcharge for every 100 miles travelled. In addition, Rubicon’s regulations state that a driver cannot be in charge of the coach for more than 9 hours a day. Should the whole trip last more than 9 hours (including the match time) a second driver would be required. There is a charge of ? 75 for the second driver. Premier League ticket prices vary greatly and Maddy has been quoted a range of prices varying between ? 30 and ? 54 by the Premier League clubs. Maddy and Katy do not need to make an overall profit. Their main aim is to get as many fans as possible to away matches. Although they can afford to make a loss on individual trips, they cannot afford to make a loss overall. Therefore an accurate prediction of the number of people who will want to go to a particular match is vital. They are also aware that more people will want to go to some matches than others. To help find out how many people are likely to go to each match they ran an online survey. This was completed by 94% of their registered supporters. To make data analysis easier, Katy has classified the teams as shown in the table. EG Teams fighting for European glory MT Mid-table teams RD Teams likely to be involved in the relegation dogfight PR Newly promoted teams In addition to the classification of the team, she found that other things affect the number of people likely to go to away matches. Fewer people would go if the match was played on a weekday rather than a Saturday (or Sunday). The longer the travelling time, the fewer supporters were prepared to travel. Finally, the overall cost of the package would discourage some from attending certain matches. W41049A 3 Turn over Description of the model Maddy and Katy have to be as accurate as they can when setting the prices as they don’t need to make a profit but cannot afford to make a loss. Maddy and Katy need a model to help them decide on prices. Therefore, Maddy has persuaded her brother Kieran, who works in IT, to create a model. Kieran wanted to make the model reusable so that he could sell it to other supporters’ clubs. Unfortunately, before he could finish the model, the company Kieran worked for sent him to Dubai on a three-year contract. Maddy has asked you to complete the model and use it to suggest prices for the next season’s away matches. Kieran has left you these notes. Worksheet Description Teams This is the worksheet that will be used to set the package prices. I have listed the teams in the Premier League along with Katy’s classifications. For ease of viewing I have included information from other worksheets and have calculated the total costs, revenue and profit. There is a profit for each trip and a total profit for the season. The worksheet will also calculate the total number of supporters going to away matches. Cell B2 contains a drop-down box to choose the team you support. Fixtures This worksheet is a calculated page which lists the dates of the home and away fixtures. Lookups This worksheet contains a number of lookup tables. There are two blank areas, these will contain the fixture information provided by the Premier League. There are other tables to look up the day of the week, the likely support based on the teams’ classification, the number of registered supporters and the ticket costs for the various clubs. Distances, Times These worksheets contain the distances between the grounds and the average times it would take a coach to travel those journeys. I got these from a very helpful man at the RAC. Customer This worksheet is incomplete. Once completed it will predict the number of supporters who would travel to each away match. This is based on the number of registered supporters and then adjusted according to the home team classification, then package price and finally the travel time. I haven’t finished the analysis of the survey yet so I cannot put in formulae to take into account the travelling time and the overall cost. A friend of mine is doing the analysis for me and he will forward the results to you as soon as he has them. Transport In this worksheet I calculate how many coaches are needed, the cost per coach and the overall transport cost for the trip. Transport Rates In this worksheet I have entered the transport rates as quoted by Rubicon Transport. I hope you find it easy to understand my notes. Good luck completing it. Kieran Wright 4 W41049A Some cells in the model are password protected. Should you wish to experiment with the model, the password is edexcel. Be aware that if you change the contents of any protected cell the model may not work. Please note that the Football League and Premier League referred to in this scenario are fictitious. W41049A 5

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Operations Management Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Operations Management Assignment - Essay Example The range of technologies used in the modern retail industries have been from softwares to hardwares. The new technologies require that they become fully integrated into the retail operations of the business for their benefits to be maximized. According to McGrane (2007, p. 50-53), some of the key technologies or technological areas within the range are as follows (McGrane 2007, p. 50-53; EPoS 2007; and Prater et al. 2005): Bar-coding/scanning technology/labelling. Bar-coding, scanning, and labelling technologies have been invented years ago but not all of the retail business operations are using them. Nevertheless, the technologies are expected to be available to business operators in the coming years and there are widespread expectations that the technologies will be improved further and will become in more popular use as we go through current decade (McGrane 2007, p. 52). â€Å"Scanners are getting smarter† and â€Å"self-scanning will continue to grow† (McGrane 2007 , p. 52). The new technologies include a touch screen display, barcode scanner, weighing scales, credit card reader, cash reader and deposit unit. Wireless technologies are even being developed for bar-coding and scanning, making possible for inventory and sales monitoring and sales transaction remotely from the goods that are the subject of a transaction. Epos software & hardware. EPoS systems or Electronic Point of Sale Systems provide a way of dealing with customers that is fast and efficient because they can do calculations or total, issue receipts, keep track of inventories, and monitor sales as the sales transaction is being completed (EPoS 2010). Further, the EPoS systems can also keep track of customer information thereby enhancing the seller’s capabilities to execute customer relation management (EPoS 2010). Moreover, the EPoS systems can also directly interface with the credit card system thereby accessing more information on customers and enhancing the ability of t he firm to conduct follow-up sales and strengthen its relationship with customers (EPoS 2010). Simultaneously, the EPoS system can also identify which products are not doing well in the market (EPoS 2010) thereby enhancing a business firm’s ability to make crucial business decisions on what products lines and brands to carry. EPoS systems can make transactions faster and they can be customized to a specific business environment (EPoS 2010). Changing prices, data, quantity and other variables are easy (EPoS 2010). EPoS systems can be operated through keyboards or PDAs or personal digital assistant (EPoS 2010). The systems were designed to be powerful and yet very simple for the business staff to learn and use (EPoS 2010). On the other hand, the EPoS system requires maintenance and backups (EPoS 2010). Data can be backed up off site using another party or service company (EPoS 2010). The backup system must cover â€Å"historical backups† in that one can go back to an old er backup if the most recent backup is corrupted (EPoS 2010). Periodic updates are necessary and businesses using the latest retail technologies may want to have in-house capabilities to do backups. This also implies that somebody in business must focus himself or herself in data security. Wireless hardwares,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Hypothesis Exercise on Green Logistics Chain and Issues (CO2 emissions Essay

Hypothesis Exercise on Green Logistics Chain and Issues (CO2 emissions from Freight Transport in the US) - Essay Example They can end into obliging an increased usage of maintainable skills or alternate energies or merely they can confine individual zones or kinds of cars from being employed. It can be anticipated that the execution of supportable conveyance rules forces the logistic business to use environmentally unsafe means of transportation and consequently apply green logistic tools. Additionally since there are less of fuel efficient vehicles through the car fleet in United States of America, the logistic firm opt for use cargo wagons that are the chief causes of greenhouse gas discharges. Again, the requirement to meet the client’s fulfillment is one of the vital roles of the logistics. Customer fulfillment can be realized by several means such as haste of transport, quality of the transported goods and chattels or the likelihood of returning properties owing to recoveries. It can be assumed that a greater need for the client for justifiable and Green Logistics helps the dissemination of Logistics plans. The growing awareness of environmental problems can result to stimulating task for the logistics firm. As transportation and the involved business are among the vilest contaminators an intensifying consciousness in such a way can lead to weight illogicality and disgrace contrary to it. So as not to create a bad appearance it is undeniably vital to adjust to those inclinations. It can be assumed that it is essential for the logistic firm to conform to a growing environmental awareness in an extensive fragment of the community through executing Green Logistics policies. Has the Green Logistics fully succeeded in reducing the rate of pollution United States of America? Green logistics has both failed and succeed in dressing the environmental issues. Oil is the organic base for vestige energies for example petrol; diesel and paraffin that are the most frequently used powers for

Friday, January 24, 2020

Forest Fires :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the year 2000, fire fighters battled raging infernos as some of the worst wildfires in 50 years rampaged across a dozen states. Not only were these fires the worst in half a century, but they may be the worst ever recorded.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In a single week in mid August, 86 major wildfires were raging in a dozen states from Arizona and California up to Colorado and Wyoming to Montana, Oregon and South Dakota. Five million acres of land burned, more then double the annual average for the past decade. A controlled fire six miles southwest of Los Alamos that was implemented as a fire prevention measure would not stop. First consuming dry grass, then ponderosa pines, then gobbling up hundreds of homes and buildings, the fire spread through Los Alamos, the home of the atom bomb. Some 20,000 people had to be evacuated and luckily the fires never came close to a building that held drums of transuranium mixed waste and a metric ton of plutonium. Noxious fumes wafted from the lead paint, rubber and plastics in burning cars and buildings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Due to the destructive wildfires, interest in fuel management to reduce fire control costs and damages has been renewed. Although several tools, such as prescribed burning and salvage timber sales can address these problems, the extent of the problem and the cost of needed treatments are generally unknown. There are few documented estimates of the decline in control costs or damages associated with fuel treatments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The roles and responsibilities of the Federal and State governments in fire protection may be subject to further debate. Laws state that a permit must be required to start a fire outside.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Knowing Your Audience and Communication Release Essay

On August 5, 2010, The Chilean Copper mine collapse with 33 workers confined in a 2,257 feet hole, which was the size of a mini studio apartment ( news services, 2010). Their families, friends, and co-workers were worried frantically about their safety, and not being able to reach the miners left everyone at unease. The Rescuers and the Chilean Copper president’s came together to find a resolution as to the cause of this situation and how to rescue their employees. Families and co-workers of these miners have questions that wanted immediate answers, and it is the companies responsibly to provide answers. The company should have a plan of emergency action for these types of incident and be implemented in training programs when hired or promoted. There should be reputable spokesperson on hand to communicate with families, co-workers, and the media. The first action to take place is to immediately control the situation, and prevent any rumors from uprising through the wo rkplace or the media. Have somebody Reputable from the company to hold a face to face verbal meeting explaining what emergency incident just occurred and what the companies’ plan of action is going to be. It is important to present only facts to this meeting so that there are no assumptions as to what is really taking place. Be honest, open, clear and concise in these meeting so the audience can listen and decode the message the spokesperson is conveying. The spokesperson should be able to answer all questions presented to the room, as long as the spokesperson has evidence to back it up. Otherwise, being honest and saying, â€Å"we are looking into that,† is the best option for this type of situation. If the company has a morning and evening shift, then having the meeting write when both shifts are about to cross would be an effective way to control any rumors, explain the situation, and answer any questions. This will save time so the company can delegate the situation currently on hand. The second action is to have another reputable spokesperson to notify the minors’ families of the incident. The first step to communicating to the miners loved ones is by phone and then a face-to-face verbal communication should take place. It is important to be sympathetic and compassionate when relaying this type of information to the families. Calling each miners emergency contact would be the start but should not provide too much information over the phone, but just ask the family or friend to come down to the job site immediately. Providing information over the phone can create media attention rapidly and cause panic to the person. Hold a meeting as soon as the miner’s family and friends have arrived and provide information that the company has facts on. Do not delude the people in thinking, the situation is worse or better than what the facts actually say, but be honest and clear about the situation. It is a good idea to have a mediator around if the company decides to have a verbally conversation that is one on one with a family member, and this will prevent any rumors as well. Inform the employees and families that it is in the best interest for the company and the families of the miners to avoid answering questions to the media. When speaking to the media without knowing all the facts or going based on what you heard without fully researching the situation can lead to panic and discomfort for the families and loved ones. For instance, in the situation the media publicly announced on August 26, 2010 that it would take the rescuer’s four months to rescue the miners. However, According to news services (2010), Health Minister Jaime Manalich said, â€Å"they would not be rescued before the Fiestas Patrai’s,† and Fiestas Patrai’s is Chile’s Independence Day celebration, held on September 18. That is only forty-four days, and a big differ ence from 120 days. Preventing the media from misleading reports can be achieved by avoiding the media. The company should offer counseling to the families and co-workers to help deal with this situation, and provide any assistance to make this incident go smoother for them. After the company has all the facts and knows what they are facing then have a reputable spokesperson address the media, family, friends, and co-workers with all the facts at hand. This will help all parties understand what they are in for and to start dealing with the situation at hand. Keeping the all parties informed throughout the rescue process though meetings or the media is important. Having somebody from the company to go to the miners loved ones face to face or calling them to ensure that they are well, is a great way to provide answer to the individual parties. This situation affects everyone, families, friends, co-workers, and global. It is never easy to try to control and sustain a crisis like this but avoiding rumors, which are usually just opinions from others around, can help everybody. The miners loved ones just have one care in the world, that is getting them out safe and healthy, and that is all that should matter, but sometimes the media likes to turn embellish the truth. The important thing in this type of situation is too continual to provide information to all parties so they are properly informed. It is better to hear from the people who are actually in the rescue process rather than an outside source. This will provide all parties some ease to their pain even if it is not good information; at least they understand the situation. Reference news services. (2010). Drill breaks through to trapped Chilean miners. Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Wars of Alexander the Great Battle of Gaugamela

The Battle of Gaugamela was fought on October 1, 331 BC, during the Wars of Alexander the Great (335-323 BC). Armies and Commanders Macedonians Alexander the GreatApprox. 47,000 men Persians Darius IIIApprox. 53,000-100,000 men Background Having beaten the Persians at Issus in 333 BC, Alexander the Great moved to secure his hold on Syria, the Mediterranean coast, and Egypt. Having completed these efforts, he again looked east with the goal of toppling Darius IIIs Persian Empire. Marching into Syria, Alexander crossed the Euphrates and Tigris without opposition in 331. Desperate to halt the Macedonian advance, Darius scoured his empire for resources and men. Gathering them near Arbela, he chose a wide plain for the battlefield  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  as he felt that it would facilitate the use of his chariots and elephants, as well as allow his greater numbers to bear. Alexanders Plan Advancing to within four miles of the Persian position, Alexander made camp and met with his commanders. In the course of the talks, Parmenion suggested that the army launch a night attack on the Persians as Darius host outnumbered them. This was dismissed by Alexander as the plan of an ordinary general. He instead outlined an attack for the next day. His decision proved correct, as Darius had anticipated a nighttime assault and kept his men awake through the night in anticipation. Moving out the next morning, Alexander arrived on the field and deployed his infantry into two phalanxes, one in front of the other. Setting the Stage On the right of the front phalanx was Alexanders Companion cavalry, along with additional light infantry. To the left, Parmenion led additional cavalry and light infantry. Supporting the front lines were cavalry and light infantry units, which were echeloned back at 45-degree angles. In the coming fight, Parmenion was to lead the left in a holding action while Alexander led the right in striking a battle-winning blow. Across the field, Darius deployed the bulk of his infantry in a long line, with his cavalry to the front. In the center, he surrounded himself with his best cavalry along with the famed Immortals. Having chosen the ground to facilitate the use of his scythed chariots, he ordered these units placed at the front of the army. Command of the left flank was given to Bessus, while the right was assigned to Mazaeus. Due to the size of the Persian army, Alexander anticipated that Darius would be able to flank his men as they advanced. To counter this, orders were issued that the second Macedonian line should counter any flanking units as the situation dictated. The Battle of Gaugamela With his men in place, Alexander ordered an advance on the Persian line with his men moving obliquely to the right as they marched forward. As the Macedonians neared the enemy, he began extending his right with the goal of drawing the Persian cavalry in that direction and creating a gap between them and Darius center. With the enemy bearing down, Darius attacked with his chariots. These raced forward but were defeated by Macedonian javelins, archers, and new infantry tactics designed to lessen their impact. The Persian elephants also had little effect, as the massive animals moved to avoid the enemy spears. As the lead phalanx engaged the Persian infantry, Alexander focused his attention on the far right. Here, he began pulling men from his rearguard to continue the fight on the flank, while he disengaged his Companions and gathered other units to strike Darius position. Advancing with his men and forming a wedge, Alexander angled left toward the flank of Darius center. Supported by peltasts (light infantry with slings and bows) which kept the Persian cavalry at bay, Alexanders cavalry rode down on the Persian line as a gap opened between Darius and Bessus men. Striking through the gap, the Macedonians shattered Darius royal guard and adjacent formations. With the troops in the immediate area retreating, Darius fled the field and was followed by the bulk of his army. Cut off on the Persian left, Bessus began withdrawing with his men. With Darius fleeing before him, Alexander was prevented from pursuing due to desperate messages for aid from Parmenion. Under heavy pressure from Mazaeus, Parmenions right had become separated from the rest of the Macedonian army. Exploiting this gap, Persian cavalry units passed through the Macedonian line. Fortunately for Parmenion, these forces elected to continue on to loot the Macedonian camp rather than attack his rear. While Alexander circled back to aid the Macedonian left, Parmenion turned the tide and succeeded in driving back Mazaeus men who fled the field. He also was able to direct troops to clear the Persian cavalry from the rear. Aftermath of Gaugamela As with most battles from this period, casualties for Gaugamela are not known with any certainty  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  though sources indicate that Macedonian losses may have been around 4,000, while Persian losses may have been as high as 47,000. In the wake of the fighting, Alexander pursued Darius while Parmenion rounded up the riches of the Persian baggage train. Darius succeeded in escaping to Ecbatana and Alexander turned south, capturing Babylon, Susa, and the Persian capital of Persepolis. Within a year, the Persians turned on Darius. Conspirators led by Bessus killed him. With Darius death, Alexander considered himself the rightful ruler of the Persian Empire and began campaigning to eliminate the threat posed by Bessus. Source Porter, Barry. Battle of Gaugamela: Alexander Versus Darius. HistoryNet, 2019.